Learn & Play Oasis Poker Online

Are you looking for a new poker game to play? We’ve got just the game for you: oasis poker. This popular poker game is exciting and unpredictable. It’s a card comparing game where it’s you against the dealer. If you end up with a hand that ranks higher than the dealer’s, you win! However, the game isn’t all down to luck, as there are decisions for you to make that can affect the game’s outcome.

Keep on reading to find out how the game works, then have a go yourself!

Oasis Poker Rules

Poker isn’t a single game: in fact, it’s a large family of games that all follow the same basic gameplay rules. There are lots of variants of poker, each one of which has its own slightly different rules and features. Oasis poker is a great game to play because it involves some decision-making and strategy, yet it’s not too complicated. It involves you comparing your five-card hand with the dealer’s. Whoever has the highest-ranking hand is the winner.

Oasis Poker Classic Online Table

To get started, you need to place your ante bet. Then, you’re dealt five cards face-up. The dealer’s also dealt five cards, though only one of these is face-up; the other four are face-down. You now have three options:

  • Fold
  • Challenge the dealer or
  • Exchange cards.

If you fold, you forfeit your ante bet and the game’s over. You should do this if you have a low-ranking hand that doesn’t stand a good chance of winning. Should you decide to challenge the dealer, you’ll have to place a call bet, which is double the size of your initial ante bet. The dealer’s four face-down cards are then turned over and the hands are compared: whoever has the highest-ranking hand wins.

The third option is to exchange. This lets you swap out any number of your cards for new ones. However, this comes at a cost. If you swap one card, it costs 1x your bet. For two cards, the cost is 2x your bet, while swapping three cards costs 3x your bet. If you want to change four cards, the cost is 2x your bet and if you want to exchange all five your cards, it costs 1x your bet plus your call bet. You can only make an exchange once. After doing this, you can either fold or challenge the dealer.

The dealer’s hand has to contain a king or an ace to qualify. If the dealer doesn’t qualify, your ante bet’s paid 1:1 and your call bet’s returned to you. Should the dealer qualify, whoever has the highest-ranking poker hand wins. For winning, your ante bet’s paid at 1:1 and your call bet’s paid according to the following pay table:

  • Royal Flush: 100:1
  • Straight Flush: 50:1
  • Four Of A Kind: 20:1
  • Full House: 7:1
  • Flush: 5:1
  • Straight: 4:1
  • Three Of A Kind: 3:1
  • Two Pairs: 2:1
  • Any Other Hand: 1:1

Should the dealer’s hand outrank yours, the dealer wins and you lose both of your bets. If the two hands rank the same, it’s a tie. In this case, your two bets are returned to you.

Oasis Poker Pro Series Real Game Play

After you’ve been dealt your five cards, you’ll have to think carefully about the best decision to make. Will you keep your hand as it is and take the dealer on, or will you pay to swap some cards out and hopefully improve your hand? Or will you not take the risk and bail? What’s great about oasis poker is that it isn’t just all down to luck: it’s a game that gets you thinking and requires some decision-making.

Play Oasis Poker Online At AUSlots

Like the sound of oasis poker? Great! Now it’s time for you to have a go at the game - visit our Casino section and type ‘oasis poker’ into the search bar. This will bring up three versions of the game. There’s Oasis Poker Classic and Oasis Poker Pro Series, both by Evoplay, as well as Oasis Poker by BetSoft. All three of these games are well worth playing. They stick to the standard rules and are designed to resemble real-life games being played in land-based casinos. They’re presented with high-quality graphics and offer exciting, immersive gameplay.